Small-time conservative 'broadcaster' believed his own propaganda about supplements

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This series documents stories from the Herman Cain Awards subreddit, tracking the COVID mis- and disinformation on Facebook that is leading to so many deaths. Today’s cautionary tale was a wannabe conservative pundit in Olympia, Washington.  

Guys, he’s pursuing “truth.” And he’s totally fighting the oligarchy, which isn’t Donald Trump at all. 

Guys, he’s just asking questions. Such as, did the government and big Pharma conspire to kill billions of people, because they want to make all the money, and there’s Big Money to be made killing off the bulk of the earth’s population. Conservative logic is fun!

Not to mention, if they really believe this, and they see liberals taking the vaccine, shouldn’t they be happy? If their narrative is correct, all liberals will be wiped out by, er, the Biden Administration, leaving the earth to their conservative gun-totin’ utopia. They should be happy!  

If someone’s house filter looks like that, maybe they should, uh, clean out their filter? 


These people are so weird. 

Guys, do you need help from your protection against COVID? These people have your back! 

So I went to that page. It’s got links to Robert Kennedy Jr’s crackpot outfit, of course, and talks about “shedding” the vaccine and other mis- and disinformation. So what can you do if you are vaccinated? Drink lots of tea and wheatgrass. Oregano oil, of course. Lots of essential oils. CBD, too, which actually might truly have positive effects in COVID prevention. There is a clay detox bath. Definitely avoid 5G radiation if you’ve had the jab. The Deep State has nefariously created a synergistic connection between vaccines and cell phones to do … something-something sheep—it’s bad!

There are some videos on how to detox from the vaccine’s “nanoparticles,” which I have no plan of watching, but apparently has something to do with apple cider vinegar. There is a recipe to deal with the internal parasites in the vaccine. Yes. Internal parasites. 

And then, at the very bottom, there’s this: 

“Drink some bleach. We’re not saying it’s safe or effective, but really, drink it.”

What a bunch of jokers. 

Dangerous jokers. 

Millions of nurses are in on the mass murder of people in the hospitals, but this one brave whistleblower blows it all wide open!

Dr. Jane Ruby exposes the BIG HOSPITAL SHUTDOWNS! Maternity ward not delivering babies, massive amounts of healthcare workers walking off the job, doctors INTENTIONALLY killing patients!

Looked up this Stew Peters character. His Instagram and Twitter accounts have been suspended. How will he get out the word that “evil has overtaken hospitals” and they make so much money from dead COVID patients? 

As an aside, applying simple logic here—what makes a hospital more money, a long-term COVID patient, or someone who never shows up to the hospital in the first place? 

It’s not a trick question. 

Interesting how it’s liberals on the right column, all the way down, and conservatives on the left. 

They are so close to getting it. 

The Greek letter omicron has existed for 3,000 years or more. THE CONSPIRACY RUNS DEEP. 

Finally! Medical proof that the COVID jab is murder! And only “” had the guts to run with it! The rest of the world is perfectly fine with murder! 

Reuters, who loves murder, tried to cover it up with a fact check:

On Nov. 24, the AHA added an expression of concern to the abstract, which is not a full peer-reviewed study. The statement warned that the passage might not be reliable and that a “suitable correction” was necessary.

“Specifically, there are several typographical errors, there is no data in the abstract regarding myocardial T-cell infiltration, there are no statistical analyses for significance provided, and the author is not clear that only anecdotal data was used,” it added (here).

I don’t know, the typo-ridden, evidence-free, non-peer-reviewed abstract seems more credible to me. 

Remember when there was a Dr. Anthony Fauci, a Department of Justice, and politicians? That was in the before times. Before they were ended. 

I do appreciate that the genocide was patented. You need to protect your intellectual property these days. 

Tell that to every cancer survivor. 

Fact check:

“In order to avoid misleading either colleagues or the general public and press, we the authors unanimously wish to withdraw this paper on the grounds of incorrect incidence data,” they added.

First of all, there weren’t 1,000 published studies. It was a 1 in 1,000 risk of suffering myocarditis if vaxxed. Kinda big difference. 

Second of all, it was wrong and the study was retracted by its authors because they did the math wrong. You’d think they’d double-check their numbers. You’d think wrong. 

And now another twisted lie is floating around Facebook, immune to reality. 


Oh here, let me ingest horse dewormer. 




Also, I thought the vaccine was the bio weapon. It’s now all bioweapon? So there’s a bioweapon COVID that can be countered with a bioweapon vaccine, which can then be used to kill people? 

I mean, if killing people is the goal, why mess with a bioweapon vaccine? Just design COVID to be better at killing! 

I guess we’re moving on from Ivermectin, bleach, and urine, all the way to black mamba venom. 

They literally believe anything works except the stuff that actually works. 

It’s a Three Stooges skit. 

But he took Ivermectin, which cured everyone! And oregano oil! And orange peels. And zinc. And D with K. And magnesium. And melatonin. And CBD. 

Seriously, for the crowd that thinks the vaccine is such a profit machine for pharmaceutical companies, they sure spend a lot on their supplements. A lot more than the $19 a vaccine costs the government. 

This guy broadcast his mis- and disinformation to others. The world is better without him further radicalizing others. The only good thing I’ll say about this guy is that he had the courage of his convictions to die at home, and not take up hospital space and resources, and he didn’t leave any parentless children behind.