'Real patriots don’t root for failure': Fox News giddily predicted huge losses ahead of jobs report

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At this point, do we need more evidence that Fox News is always off? Pun intended. It should be turned off.

Fox News has made headlines again, of course, for the worst reason. Moments before Joe Biden’s January jobs report was released, the outlet was boasting about the bad results it expected.

”How does the White House spin this?” Fox media representatives said on Fox & Friends. They joked, “What vaccine do you get for job loss?” And, of course, they flooded the screen with bold letters reading: “MORE JOB LOSSES.”

But the joke’s on Fox & Friends; they were off by about 750,000 jobs.

Today’s report exceeded expectations. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 467,000 new jobs were created in January—tripling estimates. There was an additional increase in the two previous months’ jobs numbers, as well.

As a result, Fox & Friends has come under fire for “rooting against America,” and celebrating what could have been tremendously horrific news.

Fox News was “giddy with anticipation of massive job loss,” Media Matters’ Senior Research Fellow Craig Harrington said, posting a video compilation on Twitter.

His tweet quickly went viral with others joining to criticize the outlet, its lack of accuracy, and the inappropriate response it had.

“Real patriots don’t root for failure. But that’s exactly what Fox News does,” journalist Jim Roberts wrote in response to the video.

“How embarrassing, Fox rooting for bad news for the country,” Frida Ghitis of CNN wrote.

Of course, even after the report was revealed, Fox had to add find a negative spin for it. 

Let’s be real: Fox News will continue to be Fox News. Despite getting their facts embarrassingly wrong, they will issue no corrections, acknowledge their mistakes, or treat this positive news as the positive news it is. The glass is always half empty, right?

Fox News doesn’t actually care about Americans. When will the Americans Fox & Friends was so happy to hope were jobless stop watching this nonsense? Fox is literally rooting against a majority of its viewers.