Paul Oebel was a disinformation disseminator. He didn't think COVID was real. COVID disagreed

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This series documents stories from the Herman Cain Awards subreddit, tracking the COVID mis- and disinformation on Facebook that is leading to so many deaths. Today’s cautionary tale is Faith Unveiled Network Founder Paul Oebel. 

Paul Oebel was a grifter prosperity gospel missionary who ran the online Faith Unveiled Network. Here he is explaining how god was actually building his company: 

Michael Flynn and Mike Lindell were regular guests on his show, which peddled anti-vaccine propaganda and the usual pro-ivermectin/hydroxychloroquine/drinking bleach quack therapies.

Of course, Canada never proved that COVID was a hoax, and all restrictions were not dropped. As the Reuters fact check notes, the court in question actually found the anti-vaxxer guilty and he had to pay a fine for flouting pandemic mitigation measures. 

It’s just like Donald Trump claiming that the Cyber Ninjas fraudit in Arizona proved he won the state when the results actually gave Joe Biden an even larger margin of victory. (I still trust the official results more.) These people aren’t actually looking at the court decision to see what happened. They’re happy sharing the headline, knowing people will walk away thinking that Canada somehow proved that COVID doesn’t exist. 

If only these so-called ministers heeded the eighth commandment: “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”

I have a legitimate question: I’m going to make up a bunch of stuff, throw in some bogeymen like “illegal immigrants” for extra emotional impact, and then ask why that stuff that never happened can be allowed to happen. Looking for your explanation and reasoning. Kthxbye.

Those fact check labels do as much damage as the original misinformation. “Partly false” is interpreted as “mostly true.” The fact check is here, if you want to read it.

I was curious to see what impact the vaccine has had on Pfizer’s bottom line. Turns out they just posted their quarterly results. 

So Pfizer projects that about half of its 2022 revenue will come from COVID-related drugs. 

Vaccine is demonstrably safer than getting COVID. Millions have died getting COVID. But getting COVID plus the vaccine? That’s some armor-plated protection there. Really, there’s zero reason not to take a vaccine, save for some rare medical situations that doctors are best at addressing. 

“There are now more people dying of the vaccine, than Covid itself” is such delusional bullshit that you have to wonder whether they actually believe it. It doesn’t matter either way, because assholes are walking around parroting that nonsense. 

If someone they hate dies, it was because god murdered them. If someone they love dies, then an angel has gained his wings. 

Convenient, huh? 

If you ate breakfast and lunch but feel that there’s something wrong with them pushing dinner, then there’s no shame in changing your stance and saying NO to profiteering Big Ag and their dangerous foods. 

In fact, it’s proven: Everyone who eats food dies. ALL OF THEM! Do you want to end up dead?  

Ah, so if 1.2 billion don’t die, it’s because god saved them. So merciful when he isn’t smiting cardiologists. 

Heads, they win. Tails, they win. 

Does make me wonder, why would the government kill off tens of millions of its citizens? Why would Pfizer—who is in it for the money they keep reminding us—kill off their customers? Who do they think benefits if a significant portion of their population is murdered by a vaccine? 

And is the vaccine the Mark of the Beast, to keep people from buying iPhones, or is it a murder weapon? If it’s a tool for control, then you wouldn’t kill them. And if you are killing them, then it’s genocide … of liberals, by liberals? 


So confused. So COVID isn’t a hoax now? And guys, we can’t let Big Pharma make any money for manufacturing a lifesaving drug. But hey, this is fine: 

That’s a lot of money to own the libs!

How about adding hydrogen to pee? That’s gotta be next, right? 

Wow, that’s a lot of symptoms from a hoax virus! So embarrassing to be suffering from something that was PROVEN IN COURT. 

So god has the last word, does it? So if it saves Paul, glory hallelujah it’s a miracle, right? But if Paul dies, that’s gotta be the opposite, right? That god smote him for misinforming the public? 

Mucus plugs in both lungs? Well, at least that’s better than taking a vaccine that’ll kill BILLIONS. 

Well, god did prophesy (supposedly) that people that came out against HIM would start dropping dead. God was like, “I’m trying to save your goddam lives and you keep getting in the way!” Doctors had no choice in the matter. GOD HAD THE LAST WORD, and he decided to take that chess piece off the board.

Just don’t say he died of COVID. All he had was a “respiratory disease,” nothing more to see here. Stop assuming otherwise. 

I am sympathetic to victims of this massive mis- and disinformation machine. I have zero sympathy for those who are actually disseminating that destructive propaganda. 

Update: A few more screenshots: 

It’s not real it’s not real it’s not real! (COVID and Joe Biden’s presidential victories.)

His wife didn’t shy away from clearly stating that he had a COVID diagnosis.

Hoo boy. He’s taking his daughter down with him. Or maybe it was the other way around. Still, must’ve been quite the shock to be taken down by a hoax that no one could prove, not even for A MILLION DOLLARS.

Oebel’s Facebook page has now been scrubbed clean.

If I die and someone has to delete everything I wrote, I lived my life wrong.