It's time for Sunday pro-vaxx meme-a-palooza!

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This series documents stories from the Herman Cain Awards subreddit, tracking the COVID mis- and disinformation on Facebook that is leading to so many deaths. On Sundays, we take a break from the relentlessly depressing and frustrating anti-vaxx world, to revel with the memesters fighting the good fight. 

Given the Prayer Warrior’s track record, this is as much a possibility as that of a benevolent god. 

For me, it’s the handy excuse for avoiding all social situations: “It’s just not safe with COVID!” 

Remember that brief moment last summer when we thought the vaccine would allow a return to normalcy, right before delta hit? I was invited to a political fundraiser and was like damnit, I can’t blame COVID anymore. As many of you know, I’m reclusively introverted, so going to social situations is physically painful to me. 

Well, two days after the event, I get a notice that the host and several people at the event had tested positive for COVID. Luckily, me being me, I spent the bulk of the event alone outside in a nice garden, avoiding the mass of humanity that had excitedly gathered to mark the supposed end of social isolation, and I was also masked. I was spared infection. And as a bonus, I now had all the excuse I needed to avoid going to these things … forever? Nah, not forever. Eventually, things will return to some sort of normalcy, but I’ll enjoy my handy excuse while I can. 

I do feel for you extroverted people, however. I imagine the introvert equivalent would be being told that I had to go to the Times Square New Years Even party every day or millions of people would die. That would suck.

I love love love “paper cut finder”!

via DoctorH

via Gwenndd

via LokiMom

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!