Abrams astounds in two months of fundraising. She's going to need every penny, and so much more

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DonaldTrump GA-Gov StaceyAbrams BrianKemp DavidPerdue 2022

This is some damned impressive momentum: “Stacey Abrams has raised more than $9.2 million since entering the race for governor in December, setting a blistering fundraising pace that eclipsed Republican Gov. Brian Kemp.”

That’s $9.2 million in just two months. In a midterm election year. Over the holidays.

Abrams is reporting about $7.2 million cash on hand and has received contributions from more than 100,000 donors. She’s going to need every bit of that and more to defeat the GOP in this state. They’re still stinging over the fact that Joe Biden, Jon Ossoff, and Raphael Warnock won the state in 2020, and they will do everything in their power to stop her.

More good news for Abrams is that the Republicans are in a bruising and bloody Republican primary full of Trumpian nonsense. Trump is carrying a big grudge against incumbent Republican Gov. Brian Kemp for his refusal to help with his coup. So he’s endorsing former Sen. David Perdue, the guy who lost to Ossoff in last year’s run-off.

Help keep the momentum for Abrams going. Please give $3 now so Stacey Abrams can finish the job she started and win in Georgia!

That fight is ugly and bruising and will be very expensive for the Republicans. Kemp raised just $7.4 million in the final six months of 2021. While he’s got about $12.7 million cash on hand, he has to be looking at Abrams’ performance since Dec. 1 and quaking in his shoes. That is, of course, if he’s not entirely consumed with Trump and Perdue and that fight. Perdue has not released fundraising figures yet, but has tried to lower expectations, saying the “status quo” is afraid of him.

While Kemp and Perdue battle it out, having to focus much of their campaign war chests on that primary, Abrams has the opportunity to keep building up hers for the long haul. Because the one thing that will unite Georgia Republicans will be defeating her.

She came too close for Kemp’s comfort back in 2018, when Kemp managed to earn the narrowest margin the state had seen in a governor’s race in half a century—just over 1%. That was after Kemp used every tool he had available as Secretary of State to rig the system on his own behalf. Now, with a state that’s grown younger and even more diverse, and managed to elect both Ossoff and Warnock, Abrams has every advantage.

Every advantage, that is, except the tools of the state to suppress the vote. With federal legislation to restore free and fair elections sidelined by two treacherous Democrats in the Senate, Abrams is going to need every penny she can raise. She’s going to need a massive get-out-the-vote operation and she’s going to need the funds to start putting it together now. It’s going to take months of planning to make sure every eligible Abrams voter gets to the polls. (That, by the way, will help Rev. Sen. Raphael Warnock, who is running again to retain the seat he got in a special election.)

You can help keep Abram’s phenomenal momentum going. Here’s some inspiration:

Please give $3 now so Stacey Abrams can finish the job she started and win in Georgia!

Related stories: Stacey Abrams wants to finish the job she started four years ago. Here’s what’s different this time

Trump’s endorsement ad of David Perdue is perfectly divisive and comically awful