Sinema's polling among Arizona Democrats were in single digits even before she tanked voting rights

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Arizona KyrstenSinema Civiqs CiviqsTracking

Here’s where the polling of Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona stood, according to Civiqs’ tracking, as of Jan. 14—before she helped tank Democrats’ chances of passing critical voting rights legislation. (Editor’s note: Only the top lines of the tracking poll along with partisan breakdown are sharable by me in chart form.) 

The trend line in tracking polls is oftentimes far more important than the exact numbers, in my opinion. But in this case, Sinema’s 8% favorability among Arizona Democrats became a point of interest based on a tweet I sent out. Thus, this follow-up post with more information for those who were curious.

Overall favorability rating among Arizona’s registered voters:

Civiqs Results

Favorability rating among Arizona’s registered Democrats:

Civiqs Results

Favorability rating among Arizona’s registered Independents:

Civiqs Results

Favorability rating among Arizona’s registered Republicans:

Civiqs Results

More Civiqs tracking polls are publicly available here.

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