News Roundup: Supreme Court seat needs filling fast; Republican war on children; it's crunch time

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Daily Friday JoeBiden News Roundup

Hello Friday! As if on cue, our infrastructure continues to literally crumble, and the pittance put forward to fix the myriad issues BBB would have helped to ameliorate remain critical to our country’s future. The Biden administration is being pressured to make the moves that the majority of Americans support, come hell or high water—and the latter is coming, thanks to climate change. Republicans continue forward with their unpopular culture wars, attacking teachers, education, and our nation’s intelligence. And the Biden administration needs to learn one lesson quick: Democrats have the country’s popular mandate, and it won’t be served by waiting around to hear which way the GOP will spin their fascism.

Here is some of what you might have missed:

<a href=""><strong>Biden administration cancels dangerous copper mining leases near Minnesota's Boundary Waters</strong></a>
<a href=""><strong>Biden should keep fighting for his 'signature domestic policy achievement,' Democratic senators urge​​</strong></a>
<a href=""><strong>Need for improved infrastructure vividly illustrated as a bridge collapses ahead of Biden speech</strong></a><strong><a href="">​​​​​</a></strong>
<a href=""><strong>Biden, Democrats need to move fast on Supreme Court and ignore Republicans</strong></a>
<a href=""><strong>ICE blocked from re-detaining immigrants freed from two California facilities due to pandemic</strong></a>
<a href=""><strong>After media outcry, charter school drops assignment asking fourth-graders to justify Trail of Tears</strong></a>
<a href=""><strong>Republicans' obsession with policing teachers, schools is a losing issue​​​​​​​</strong></a>
<a href=""><strong>Tennessee school board banned Pulitzer Prize-winning graphic novel 'Maus' from Holocaust curriculum</strong></a>

From the community:

<a href=""><strong>Tucker Carlson Rages for 12 Minutes Against Biden Nominating a Black Woman to the Supreme Court​​​​​​​</strong></a>
<a href=""><strong>Fight Back Hard against Voter Suppression​​​​​​​</strong></a>