News Roundup: Sinema, a politician only Mitch McConnell could love; Joe Manchin remains bleh

bbb KyrstenSinema manchin VotingRights

Hello, Friday folks! This week has been sad-face, angry-face, consternation emoji! The Democratic Party—with no help from the Republican Party, of course—is unable to protect the voting rights of Americans. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema has virtually no friends other than Mitch McConnell and John Kennedy, and those two guys don’t keep friends. It is a sad state of affairs in our country right now, but the silver lining is there are still a lot of good things that can be done without the help of corrupt politicians and anti-maskers who really couldn’t care less for the welfare of the children they pretend to support.

Here are some of the stories you may have missed:

<strong><a href="">Rep. Ruben Gallego says some of Kyrsten Sinema's Senate colleagues have encouraged him to run</a></strong>
<a href=""><strong>Biden, Democrats start salvage on Build Back Better, as Manchin says they’ll have to start all over</strong></a>
<a href=""><strong>Progressive groups ditch Sinema, leaving her political future in tatters</strong></a>
<a href=""><strong>Mom didn't want her child's face to be national news, but anti-mask hysteria has a life of its own​​​​​​​</strong></a>
<a href=""><strong>'Go back to your country': Man arrested and charged for hate crime after attacking Sikh taxi driver​​​​​​​</strong></a>
<a href=""><strong>Ever wonder about the 'Blacks for Trump' guy? He's a devout follower of a violent, antisemitic cult​​​​​​​</strong></a>
<a href=""><strong>Bogus elector scheme had Rudy Giuliani as its leader</strong></a>
<a href=""><strong>Rep. Madison Cawthorn uses important veteran affairs committee hearing to clean a gun​​​​​​​</strong></a>

And from the community:

<a href=""><strong>Jan. 6 Committee Has Proof White House Counsel Determined Trump’s Pence Scheme was Illegal​​​​​​​​​​​​​​</strong></a>
<a href=""><strong>RIP Louie Anderson - In the late 1980's I Saw a Side of You that No One Ever Saw​​​​​​​</strong></a>