McConnell tells CNN everything is going perfectly for 2022 with just one teeny-tiny hiccup

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In an interview with CNN, GOP Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell managed to impart one truism amid the web of fantasy he spun.

“I still say it’s 50-50,” McConnell said, handicapping the GOP’s chances of retaking the Senate in November.

That seems close, if not a tad optimistic given the GOP’s emerging class of candidates. But other than that, McConnell said everything was going perfectly according to plan for Senate Republicans in 2022.

Donald Trump endorsing an alleged wife-beater for an open Pennsylvania Senate seat who was then forced to bow out after losing custody of his children? Perfect.

McConnell being forced to bow to Trump’s wishes on endorsing alleged wife-beater and violence-prone former football star Herschel Walker? Just swell.

Trump sparring with McConnell-aligned Senate Republicans over whether he actually lost the 2020 election? No worries.

McConnell just wanted to make one minor tweak to Trump’s Big Lie—which is now the central organizing feature of Trump’s entire life.

“It’s important for candidates to remember we need to respect the results of our democratic process unless the court system demonstrates that some significant fraud occurred that would change the outcome,” McConnell said.

Righto. All those GOP candidates running around courting Trump’s endorsement by spewing election fraud lies should keep that small reframe in mind.

Asked if he was worried that the united GOP front against passing federal voting protections might hinder Republicans’ appeal to Black voters, McConnell scoffed.

“I think I can pretty confidently say, we won’t lose any elections over that issue, anywhere in the country,” McConnell said. “I mean, the thought that a single Senate race in America would be decided over that issue strikes me as being wildly out of touch with what the American people are interested in.”

Demonstrating once again that McConnell doesn’t exactly consider Black Americans to be Americans.

Because there was that historic election a year ago when Georgians voted the state’s first-ever Black senator, Rev. Raphael Warnock, into office. Seems like Black voters in Georgia, among others, might be interested in the voting rights issue. That’s “a single Senate race in America” who could prove consequential, is it not?

Basically, the entire interview was a lesson in the fact that no one should take McConnell’s proclamations about the upcoming elections and the state of the GOP too seriously. He’s shoveling just as much crap as Trump.