Joe Trippi thinks Democrats have a chance in 2022, and we brought him on The Brief to talk about it

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You might remember Joe Trippi from high-profile campaigns like Jerry Brown’s in California, Howard Dean’s for President, and Doug Jones’ for Senate. These days, he’s got a great podcast (Apple, Spotify, Audible), where he’s been sharing his long-earned political wisdom. A couple of weeks ago, he argued that despite historical headwinds and Joe Biden’s low approval ratings, Democrats actually have several reasons to be optimistic this November. So, that seemed as good an excuse to have him back on The Brief, our weekly show about politics.   

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If you haven’t yet, I encourage you to give the podcast a shot. We have great conversations with stellar guests, and try to make this stuff both accessible and entertaining. You can watch the show live right here on Tuesdays at 1:30 PM PT/4:30 PM ET, while the podcast version goes live Wednesday mornings at all the usual places, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify. A full list of places to download the show is available here.