Anti-vaxx Chronicles: This unvaxxed nurse in Miami believed Gov. Ron DeSantis instead of the science

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This series documents stories from the Herman Cain Awards subreddit, tracking the COVID mis- and disinformation on Facebook that is leading to so many deaths. Today’s cautionary tale is an unvaccinated registered nurse.

Yeah, Donald Trump kept promising it would just go away, on its own! 

Reality is harsh. 

“The best humor,” they claim, providing yet more evidence that conservatives really don’t know how to do humor. 

Yes, even some fully vaccinated people have died. 

But at what rates compared to the unvaccinated, Miss R.N.? 

See? Yet more evidence that conservatives suck at humor. 

Murder memes are funny. 

According to her, it is a parent’s right to ensure their children get infected with COVID. This is all going according to Gov. Ron DeSantis’ plan to murder his way to the GOP nomination in 2024. 

Yeah, I’m happy that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are in the White House. It’s not even close. I would be more proud if they enacted student debt forgiveness, but baby steps. 

What is this “Where is Kamala Harris hiding” nonsense coming from? Go to her Twitter account. She has an active and public schedule. 

Look at that. She posted about DeSantis’ efforts to prevent schools from enacting mask mandates. Now her son is sick, and so is she. Congrats on exercising that “parental right” to keep your child unsafe. 

Yeah, COVID sucks. A nurse should know this. 

Had she been vaccinated, this would likely be a much milder experience (if anything at all). Had her son been vaccinated, doubly so. Odds of infection would be dramatically lower. Had she pushed for masking at her son’s school, even moreso.

“Covid is no joke” DRINK! 

If a REGISTERED NURSE didn’t know this already, I don’t even know what to say. Did she think all those patients were faking it? Didn’t she see the overflowing hospitals, the desperate need for beds, Florida shooting up near the top of the per capita state death rankings? 

One week. It’s all it took. 

Son gets sick at school, which has been left unprotected on purpose by DeSantis to improve his 2024 presidential chances. Mom is sick. BAM. One week later, he’s an orphan. 

If anyone should’ve known better, it was Lauren. It’s truly unbelievable that she didn’t.