Another QAnon anti-vaxxer has died of COVID-19. Even from her hospital bed, she swore it was a hoax

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Cirsten Weldon was a right-wing social media darling of sorts, at least in the QAnon wing of the field. Her MAGA posts, anti-vaxx rhetoric, and willingness to embrace wild and fantastic conspiracy theories gained her tens of thousands of followers. Weldon was a firm ‘COVID-is-a-hoax’ believer who made videos where she yelled at people waiting in line for vaccines that “The vaccines kill, don’t get it!” She also believed Dr. Anthony Fauci should be executed.

According to reports, Weldon passed away Thursday from COVID-19 in a hospital in Camarillo, California. The Daily Beast says that Weldon began complaining of feeling sick at the end of December, posting a video on Dec. 28, where she “struggled through her remarks about the coming overthrow of the United States government, coughing and complaining that she was exhausted.”

Weldon’s last social media post was an image of herself in a hospital bed with an oxygen mask on, dated Dec. 31, 2021. In her post she wrote “Is [sic] hospital for 2 days Bacteria pneumonia they and tested me for covid I refused Dr Fauci s Resmedervir sorry no meetup in Santa Monica jan1” On Jan. 1 of the new year, she wrote that she was “not on a ventilator for those gossip s I am I’m a oxygen machine pray for my family God is is in Control.” In her last post, dated Jan. 5, she reportedly wrote “Pray God takes me out of here soon.”

Weldon made headlines not simply because she espoused all of the anti-science ‘vaccines are killing people’ mumbo-jumbo promoted by right-wing conspiracy theorists, but because she was willing to go very far afield in how outrageous her claims of conspiracy could be. In May 2021, Weldon appeared on a podcast claiming that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had died in the year 2020 from the rare brain-degenerating disease kuru. Why kuru? Kuru is a disease caused “by an infectious protein (prion) found in contaminated human brain tissue.” So, cannibalism. 

Weldon’s theory of Clinton’s death due to kuru was somehow more conservative than the podcast hosts who believed that Hillary Clinton was executed in 2018 by a deep state “tribunal.” These are real beliefs that people like Weldon and her followers espoused.

Weldon’s conspiracy theories from this past year included claims that China paid President Joe Biden lots of money in order to test “weather weapons” in Texas, which led to the devastating winter storms that sent Sen. Ted Cruz packing for Cancun.

She also claimed that during President Trump’s administration, he was the target of no less than 50 high-level assassination attempts. 

Vimeo Video

Considering how powerful the “globalists” are supposed to be, it is amazing how terribly bad they are at doing simple things like assassinating a guy that spends most of his time out in the open on golf courses.

QAnon followers and friends of Weldon have taken to their social media accounts to add Weldon to the conspiracy web they have woven, arguing that the hospital where she died clearly murdered her. Scott McKay, a former bodybuilder known as “Patriot Streetfighter” in the Q world, went to his Rumble account to tell his audience that hospital staff would be tried either by “a tribunal” or in the “street.” 

I’m not exactly sure how to even feel about this. It’s all such rubbish.