Trump tries to waylay Jan. 6 committee with another thin legal argument

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Former President Donald Trump is grasping for straws at the Supreme Court as justices weigh whether they will uphold or deny his request to keep White House records away from the Jan. 6 committee.

On Wednesday, Trump filed a supplemental brief with the high court, following up on a request he made last week when he asked the justices to bar the panel investigating the insurrection from access to records he deems overwhelmingly protected by executive privilege.

But President Joe Biden waived rights of privilege over those records and in the tug of war so far between Trump and Jan. 6 committee Chairman Bennie Thompson, two prominent courts have essentially ruled against Trump. Now, as the deadline looms for both sides to file their final motions, Trump railed to the Supreme Court that the committee is acting “beyond its legislative powers” and functioning merely as an “inquisitorial tribunal” hellbent on finding ways to issue criminal referrals.

The former president—twice impeached on a litany of charges including obstruction of Congress, abuse of power, and more recently, incitement of insurrection—points specifically to a Washington Post interview with Thompson, a Mississippi Democrat, to support his claim.

Thompson told The Washington Post on Dec. 23 that the committee was particularly interested in what Trump was doing on Jan. 6 when he appeared to be delaying calls for rioters to disperse from the Capitol. Former Vice President Mike Pence was under siege, police officers were being brutally beaten and maimed, and for over two hours Trump was effectively missing in action.

“That dereliction of duty causes us real concern and one of those concerns is that whether or not it was intentional, and whether or not that lack of attention, for that longer period of time would warrant a referral,” Thompson said in the interview.

He continued: “I can assure you that if a criminal referral would be warranted, there would be no reluctance on the part of this committee to do that.”

The committee has stressed in previous motions with Trump in court that it is after specific information, including documents only as they relate to the attack on Jan. 6.

Both Thompson and committee Vice Chair Liz Cheney, a Wyoming Republican, have expressed this publicly as well, saying that the committee’s primary function is legislative since ultimately, the probe will likely use the information it obtains to inform amendments or revisions to antiquated electoral laws.

If, however, it uncovers a crime that has been committed in the process of its probe, it cannot simply turn a blind eye—and that’s an argument supported by the D.C. Court of Appeals, Trump’s last stop before his current fight at the Supreme Court.

In a Dec. 9 ruling from Judge Patricia Millett, the circuit judge made that court’s position clear: “The Committee’s request to the Archivist reiterates that it ‘seeks to recommend laws, policies, procedures, rules, or regulations necessary to protect our Republic in the future. The mere prospect that misconduct might be exposed does not make the Committee’s request prosecutorial. Missteps and misbehavior are common fodder for legislation.”