Biden admin returns land to Texas family after it was seized by previous admin for its stupid wall

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The Cavazos family got an early present at the beginning of December, when land seized by the previous administration for its stupid and racist border wall was returned to them by the Biden administration.

The land, located along the Rio Grande near Mission, Texas, had belonged to the family for generations when it was taken from them by the previous administration in 2018, Border Report said.

“The family thought that Trump leaving office meant this legal battle would end, but their property was still seized earlier this year for border wall construction,” the report continued. But finally this December, the land was returned by the Biden administration, Texas Civil Rights Project said. The organization has represented the family in court.

“Now that we have successfully stopped the construction of a needless and wasteful border wall on their property, Ms. Cavazos and her family will be able to continue their quiet and fulfilling life beside the Rio Grande,” the organization continued.

“This was only possible because of the tireless work of advocates from the RGV and beyond who stood behind them every step of the way.  Thank you for being a part of this fight.”