Outrage over SNL's 'mean' impression of Boebert. The problem? It was no impression—just her talking


Donald Trump, who still believes he’s never lost an election and that windmills are still trying to kill him, loves to tell people he’s a “stable genius.” Yet if he wants to see what an actual genius can do, he should watch Jimmy Kimmel. Lauren Boebert made the mistake of trying to go toe to toe with Kimmel after he made fun of her in a segment a few days ago. 

Boebert called Jimmy Kimmel sexist for making a joke about her. This is rich coming from someone who voted against the Violence Against Women Act and said the Equal Rights Amendment should be “thrown out like rotten milk.” The reaction on Twitter was swift, with people railing against Boebert for blaming rape victims for their own assaults by not being armed and saying rape victims should be forced to carry their rapist’s child. Oh, and the fact that her husband exposed himself to children. 

I wondered how Jimmy would respond. Yet rather than going directly after Boebert, Kimmel simply used her own words to illustrate to everyone what a joke she is. The videos she makes are utter nonsense, such as claiming Fauci likes to watch puppies being eaten alive. Jimmy’s crew showed clips of her videos to passersby on the street and asked them if they thought Saturday Night Live went too far in their parody of her.  

Their reactions are priceless. 

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