Here's just how much private prison profiteers sunk into the 2020 election

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A researcher from The Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University has published data at LA Progressive Newsletter detailing the vast sums of cash that private prison profiteers like GEO Group, CoreCivic, and Management and Training Corporation sunk into the 2020 campaign.

While Masters of Public Administration graduate student Emma Peca notes candidates and entities from both major parties received donations from GEO Group, the vast majority went to Republicans. “During the 2020 election cycle, GEO gave $818,100 to Republican candidates and affiliated PACs and organizations, and $46,978 to Democratic candidates and affiliated PACs and organizations.”

Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) at Syracuse University’s Dr. Austin Kocher, a researcher working with Peca, pointed out the individual recipients of GEO Group’s donations during the election season. No surprise who came out on top:

Peca noted that Republicans were also a big favorite of CoreCivic. But that wasn’t the case when it came to a third private prison company. 

“In contrast to GEO and CoreCivic, MTC was split almost evenly between donations to Republicans and Democrats during the 2020 cycle,” Peca continued. “MTC gave $118,500 to Republican candidates and affiliated PACs and organizations, and $113,750 to Democratic candidates and affiliated PACs and organizations. The largest donations given by MTC primarily went to Democrats.” Democrats including Arizona’s senior senator:

“Campaign finance can have a massive impact on the accountability of public officials and the transparency of campaigns,” Peca said. “As constituents, we have the right—arguably the responsibility—to scrutinize not only our public officials but also those that believe that they can buy power and influence through massive campaign donations.” Click here to check out the full report.