Glenn Youngkin is already being rebuked by right-wingers for insufficient loyalty to MAGA madness

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Racism and bigotry were the jet fuel that launched Virginia Gov.-elect Glenn Youngkin to his gubernatorial victory earlier this month. Somehow, he got the fuel mix right, adding just enough incendiary nonsense to his campaign speeches while keeping obvious, bona fide racists—such as our ex-president—at arm’s length. This cynical two-step allowed Youngkin to benefit from thinly veiled racism while also suppressing suburban voters’ all-too-fresh memories of Donald Trump’s infamous Hitler Goof rallies.

It worked, and I could not be more depressed that it did. In what fucked-up world is a deadly virus that’s raged out of control for nearly two years—largely because of right-wing resistance to basic public health precautions—less frightening to parents than a course of study that’s pretty much only taught in graduate schools?

Of course, Youngkin’s deft—and deeply dishonest—straddling of two worlds may eventually prove unsustainable. How does one man in a fleece vest keep a fractious coalition of suburban mothers and fire-breathing MAGA mites together for the long haul? I doubt the glue that Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert huffs to keep himself awake during House committee meetings would do it.

And judging by early reactions to some of Youngkin’s more “moderate” decisions, the MAGA crowd looks ready to pillory the man.

The Daily Beast reports that many MAGA conservatives who helped put Youngkin in office are already experiencing “buyer’s remorse.”

Oh, do tell.

The death cult demands a sacrifice, Glenn. Did you really think you could govern as a Republican in the Year of Our Lord 2021 without genuflecting to fake phlegmy freedom?

Ouch. Youngkin hasn’t even moved into the Executive Mansion yet and he’s being deemed a failure.

Another of the MAGA crowd’s leading lights has already accused Youngkin of being a dreaded RINO—a “Republican in Name Only.” Of course, these days that could mean anyone who thinks a teenager who bumblefucks his way into a protest with an assault rifle and kills two people somehow isn’t evocative of a classic Greek hero.

John Fredericks, who hosts a radio show on Real America’s Voice (which also airs Steve Bannon’s War Room), recently stated, “Two weeks, post his election, here we go: Once again with another RINO alert.” It seems to me that someone who defers to local control vis-à-vis public health dictates would actually be a true Republican, but these folks stopped trying to make sense years ago.

But it isn’t just insufficient fealty to the novel coronavirus that’s got Republicans in a lather. It’s also the fact that Youngkin hired a staffer “with pronouns” who (gasp!) appears to identify with LGBTQ causes. Just look at this late-night Twitter thread obsessing over the staffer, Joshua Marin-Mora, from Claremont Institute fellow Pedro Gonzalez:

Gonzalez’s insomniac vitriol sparked further scrutiny of Marin-Mora.

As shocking/not shocking as Youngkin’s victory was, it may be tough for him to hold his fragile voting base together. And if right-wingers are this suspicious of him before he even takes office, maybe Youngkin’s double-sided shtick isn’t the magic way for Republicans to sway purple state voters in the future. After all, if Republican candidates can’t be trusted to be little Despicable Him minions, what good are they?


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