Cartoon: Thanksgiving With Little Suzie Newsykins

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As bad as many things are, Little Suzie Newsykins realizes there really are some things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. Topping her list (and mine), are COVID-19 vaccines and now, boosters! Thanks to the wonders of vaccines, we don’t have to hide from our family and friends this holiday season.

And even though current buzz is doom and gloom about inflation and Democrats’ political fortunes, things really are a helluva lot better now than they were a year ago. The former head of the Department of the Interior — a lobbyist for the fossil fuel industry — has been replaced with Deb Haaland, a supporter of the Green New Deal from New Mexico’s Laguna Pueblo and the first Native American cabinet secretary in the history of the United States. Not too bad.

Sure, things aren’t amazing but it could be a lot worse. Yes, there is troubling infighting, but Joe Biden and the Democrats have been able to push through some big initiatives. (Hello, infrastructure and child tax credit?) Fingers crossed for a meaningful social safety net bill.

Either way, it’s way too soon to give up and assume that Republicans are going to take over the nation and cancel democracy. But maybe I’m just in an optimistic holiday mood.

Have a great Thanksgiving!