The latest conservative hot take: Greta Thunberg is like Hitler

ClimateChange FossilFuels GlennBeck GreenEnergy BlazeTV DaveRubin GretaThunberg BuildBackBetter

Dave Rubin is a political commentator and talk show host who appears on YouTube and BlazeTV, a conservative network that also hosts famed Algonquin Diaper-Changing Station members Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, and, erm, one of those Duck Dynasty dudes. You know, the one with the shitty beard. No, not the shitty Rip Van Winkle beard. The other one. The one that looks like a rent-by-the-hour motel for boisterously horny sea otters. You know, that  guy.

Anyway, Rubin was so incensed by climate activist and former Time Person of the Year Greta Thunberg’s recent speech at a youth climate summit in Milan, Italy, that he brought out the big guns: The teenage activist who mocked world leaders for failing to act on an existential threat to—checks notes … oh, here it is—the fucking planet is tantamount to Hitler. Because, well, just go with it, okay?

Well, they were both white Europeans, and … yeah, that’s about it.

Rubin, of course, was responding to Thunberg’s exasperation with the many world leaders who have, so far anyway, done little more than give lip service to meaningful climate action. She’s not wrong, of course, but even if she were, it would be a bit much to, you know, compare her to a genocidal maniac who was famously bent on ethnic cleansing and world conquest.

YouTube Video

Yes, imagine if this little girl had enough power—the horrible things she would do to people. Like give them good-paying green-energy jobs, reduce the amount of deadly particulate matter in the air they breathe, invest heavily in a renewable energy economy, take on the worst excesses of the fossil fuel industry, and—worst of all—sharply reduce greenhouse-gas emissions in order to secure a sustainable future for her generation and generations to come. Horrors!

Where are the adults, indeed? Because they sure as shit aren’t on BlazeTV, now are they?

It made comedian Sarah Silverman say, “THIS IS FUCKING BRILLIANT,” and prompted author Stephen King to shout “Pulitzer Prize!!!” (on Twitter, that is). What is it? The viral letter that launched four hilarious Trump-trolling books. Get them all, including the finale, Goodbye, Asshat: 101 Farewell Letters to Donald Trump, at this link. Or, if you prefer a test drive, you can download the epilogue to Goodbye, Asshat for the low, low price of FREE.