QAnon streamer convinced Democrats are pedophiles turns out to be registered sex offender

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A QAnon streamer whose incendiary rants accusing Democrats of running a pedophile cabal earned him thousands of followers and led to his deplatforming on YouTube has been revealed to be a registered sex offender. David Todeschini, who goes by the name David Trent on his Net4Truth BitChute channel, was convicted of one count of first-degree sexual abuse and one count of second-degree sodomy, according to the New York sex offender registry.

Todeschini’s real name and convictions were revealed by Right Wing Watch, which is dedicated to monitoring right-wing activists. The site was tipped off by Gabe Hoffman, who executive produced a documentary aiming to expose pedophilia in Hollywood, titled An Open Secret. Todeschini is considered a “level three threat,” defined by the New York sex offender registry as “high risk of repeat offense and a threat to public safety exists.”

The conspiracy theorist was 45 years old in 1996 when he coerced and sexually violated an 8-year-old boy. Todeschini was convicted a few years later and sentenced to 28 months to 7 years in state prison. He was released from prison in 2006 and has gone on to make a name for himself in the QAnon community.

The year prior to his release, Todeschini published a book he claimed exposes government secrets like “CIA drug smuggling, the JFK assassination, Operation Phoenix, Covert Operations, etc.” A surprisingly prolific writer, Todeschini’s works include a book purporting to teach readers to become human lie detectors and a book titled Psychiatry, Mind Control, Genocide, and Infanticide. Right Wing Watch notes that in 2006 Todeschini wrote a blog post defending Michael Jackson against child sexual abuse allegations. 

Todeschini is a prolific streamer and frequently posts videos like “CABAL ARRESTED absolute proof” and “Epstein NOT Dead - on board his boat surrounded by military” packed with memes, rants, and outright threats to lawmakers. His latest show, titled “THE DS BS NEVER ENDS,” was released the day after Right Wing Watch’s report was published. Throughout the 46-minute video, Todeschini complains about the mainstream media, the trailer park he manages, and once again makes violent threats against Democrats. He does not, however, mention his registered sex offender status.