News Roundup: Biden wins bad on immigration; U.S mail slows down; GOP exposes its military hypocrisy

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Immigration Infrastructure KyrstenSinema Mail manchin News Race Roundup Trans cyclists trent

Hello Friday people! This week, like the last week, and the one before that, and the one before that has been filled with the disappointing scent of eau de Manchinema. The consequences of having had four years of an administration hell-bent on raiding the coffers and obliterating the public trust in our democracy are hurdles we must continue to overcome on the march toward progress. It’s what most Americans desire—even those who keep voting against what they claim to want.

Here are some of the stories you may have missed:

<a href=""><strong>Sinema baffles colleagues, angers voters, and then skips town. Primary time?</strong></a>
<a href=""><strong>Appeals court allows Biden admin to keep deporting families under Stephen Miller Title 42 policy</strong></a>
<a href=""><strong>Today marks DeJoy's brilliant plan to slow down mail delivery—almost as good as removing mailboxes</strong></a>
<a href=""><strong>'The planet is at stake,' Sanders says, as Manchin makes a stand for fossil fuels</strong></a>
<a href=""><strong>Every Republican voted for amendment from Sen. Tom Cotton cutting off assistance to Afghan refugees</strong></a>
<a href=""><strong>Yet another high school weighs whether trans students should have basic dignity and respect</strong></a>

And from the community:

<a href=""><strong>ICYMI: 6 cyclists seriously injured in Texas after being struck by teen pickup driver "rolling coal"</strong></a>
<a href=""><strong>Crazy/Stupid Republican of the Day: Trent Kelly- 2021 Update​​​​​​​</strong></a>
<a href=""><strong>Conservative college creates it's own '1619 Project,' because of course they did.​​​​​​​</strong></a>