McConnell homes in on ideal candidate to flip Senate control: Violence-prone abuser Herschel Walker

Georgia MitchMcConnell Senate trump 2022 herschelwalker

GOP Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has found the first nonincumbent Republican worthy of his primary endorsement—a man with a self-admitted history of mental illness and murderous ideation that led his ex-wife to secure a protective order against him.

That same man, former football star Herschel Walker, just happens to be Donald Trump’s pick for the Georgia Senate race. After Senate Republicans mounted a feeble effort over the summer to kill Walker’s candidacy, they have entirely retreated. McConnell now claims Walker is the cream of the GOP crop, holding the keys to the Senate majority in a race where he will face off against Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock, the state’s first black senator and a fundraising phenom.

“Herschel is the only one who can unite the party, defeat Senator Warnock, and help us take back the Senate. I look forward to working with Herschel in Washington to get the job done,” McConnell said in a statement to Politico.

Ah yes, the GOP once again unites behind a man with an abusive history who regularly lies about his business prowess. (Walker has repeatedly bragged that his chicken business grossed between $70 million and $80 million annually in sales, but recent court filings suggest profits averaged just $1.5 million a year.)

So this is McConnell’s guy after the GOP leader has maintained for months that his only criteria for Republican candidates is “electability.”

“I personally don’t care what kind of Republican they are, what kind of lane they consider themselves in,” McConnell said. “What I care about is electability,” McConnell told The Wall Street Journal in February.

What a craven cave for the McConnell wing of the party, which is now nothing more than a subservient extension of Trump’s every whim. EINOs: establishment in name only.