Herschel Walker fumbles, cancels fundraiser after pressure over host’s swastika profile pic

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Some people don’t care who hosts their fundraisers as long as the money keeps rolling in, and Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker is just one of those guys. As Walker’s $3.7 million treasure chest grows, he heads to a fundraiser in Parker, Texas this weekend, co-hosted by dubious figure Bettina Sofia Viviano-Langlais—a film producer, prouder birther, and president and owner of Accelerate Entertainment, which offers a very short slate of very bad movies. 

Viviano-Langlais not only produces crap entertainment, but she’s also a vehement right-wing anti-vaxxer who had a very interesting symbol gracing her Twitter profile. She has changed the image after reporting from The Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s Patricia Murphy alerted readers to the issue, but you can’t fool Twitter. 

When AJC asked for a comment regarding the swastika symbol on Walker’s host’s page, his camp responded with: “This is clearly an anti-mandatory vaccination graphic. Herschel unequivocally opposes anti-semitism and bigotry of all kinds.” Okay, and we don’t see the resemblance? 

Viviano-Langlais herself defended the symbol on Twitter, saying she changed the profile picture because “It’s insane to think that pic was Anti-Semetic. Desperate actually. It was a pic showing what happens when fascists demand people insert foreign material into their body they don’t want…”

But who cares about Nazi symbols when attendees to the fundraiser pay $500 for the reception, another $5,800 for VIP treatment, and a photo with Walker? 

In addition to the obvious anti-vaccine theme, the party will likely be anti-mask as well. Viviano-Langlais and her husband Jim recently hosted a “Texas is Now Open” party in partnership with the Dallas Jewish Conservatives, featuring “fantastic conservative speakers, live entertainment, food & drink, and a big communal [mask-burning] bonfire!” Wondering if the Dallas Jewish Conservatives were aware of their host’s Twitter profile pic? 

NFL legend and Trump-minion Herschel Walker is currently the front-runner for the GOP nomination in Georgia.

According to public records reviewed by Associated Press, Walker repeatedly threatened ex-wife Cindy Grossman during his divorce. In 2005, Grossman secured a protective order against him, alleging violence and controlling behavior, AP reports.

In an interview with ABC News, Grossman said Walker held a gun to her head, saying, “I’m going to blow your f—-ing brains out.” She filed for divorce in 2001, citing “physically abusive and extremely threatening behavior.”

Meanwhile, Walker, obviously not having enough to do himself, joined the board of Lin Wood’s “Fight Back Foundation” a few months ago. Wood is the attorney who helped raise $2 million for the bail and defense of Kyle Rittenhouse, the teenage vigilante who is charged with fatally shooting two men and injuring another at a Black Lives Matter protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, last year. 

Wood is a devout conservative, 9/11 truther, and Trump supporter who once tweeted that “President Trump Won reelection by a landslide. Biden cheated.” 

Good job, Walker. Between aligning yourself with a truther and a birther, you’ve crafted the perfect GOP candidate. Walker will be facing off against Senator Raphael Warnock, who is up for re-election after winning a special election in 2020. Join Stacey Abrams’ Fair Fight and New Georgia Project and let’s get this joker out of here.’

Wednesday, Oct 13, 2021 · 7:22:56 PM +00:00 · Rebekah Sager

Late Wednesday afternoon, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that Walker canceled the planned fundraiser, hosted by Viviano-Langlais. 

After initially denying the swastika’s Nazi affiliation and dismissing it simply as an “anti-mandatory vaccination graphic,” Walker’s spokesperson is walking back those horrifying comments. 

“Despite the fact that the apparent intent behind the graphic was to condemn government vaccine mandates,” the campaign said, “the symbol used is very offensive and does not reflect the values of Herschel Walker or his campaign.” Oh, now it’s offensive…

Jewish organizations and Democrats recoiled at the image of Viviano-Langlais’ profile and Walker’s spokesperson’s response. 

“Herschel Walker is defending an indisputable symbol of genocide to millions of Jews — a swastika made out of syringes — for nothing more than some campaign cash,” Dan Gottlieb of the Democratic Party of Georgia told the AJC.

“A swastika is a swastika,” a spokesperson from the Jewish Democratic Women’s Salon said.