Dem strategist: Let's remind voters of GOP's 'universal opposition' to making their lives better

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The interminable negotiations over Joe Biden’s Build Back Better human infrastructure plan make me feel a little like I did at this time last year, when I was still wondering if Joe Biden would see his shadow on the White House lawn or we’d get four more years of nuclear winter.

It all worked out in the end. President Biden ultimately poked his head into the Oval Office, and Donald Trump’s senescent tête de fromage remains ensconced in the orange orifice, where it composes febrile, lie-filled letters to the editor to venerable, once-semi-respectable broadsheets. 

Even more importantly, Republicans remain dedicated to comforting the comfortable and afflicting the afflicted—which has been their raison d’être since, well, fer-fockin’-ever.

So now comes the hard part: Letting Americans know that Democrats are making their lives way easier, while Republicans are far more interested in preserving a status quo where billionaires can keep shooting dicks into space—along with the dick-shaped spacecraft that carry them. 

The i’s haven’t been dotted, and the t’s haven’t been crossed. We appear to be far closer to a deal with dipshit obstructionists Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, assuming Sinema doesn’t “accidentally” spill a barrel of ink as they’re putting the finishing touches on Biden’s new Build Back Better framework—and assuming House progressives don’t balk.

But, hey, these new tweets from the dynamic duodena give us hope that something big will be passed:

Granted, a $3.5 trillion bill would have been great, and a $6 trillion package would have been even better, but this is still a Big Fucking Deal, as former Obama campaign manager David Plouffe noted in his own tweet today:

For the nontweeters:

On Thursday, Plouffe appeared on MSNBC’s Deadline White House with Nicolle Wallace to follow up on that tweet and tout the massive opportunity this package gives to elected Democrats as we advance:


PLOUFFE: “Well, Nicolle, it’s absolutely essential. … There’s a bunch of things that aren’t in the bill I would have liked to be in the bill, but we have to live in a world of reality. I think that’s harder these days than it’s ever been, but this is the most that Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer could get. And so what you have to do is go out right now and sell all the things on the left side of your graphic, which is going to take enormous amount of time and skill and money. This is always the challenge, as you know, with a big package. It’s hard enough to sell one thing, but when you’ve got a bunch of things in there that are popular, you want to make sure people connect back to your votes and the leadership of Democrats. So I think everybody’s had their say, there’s been a lot of fighting, a lot of spirited negotiations, but now that we’re done, essentially, Democrats have to say—and if someone wants to say, ‘I want to keep up the fight for paid and family medical leave,’ of course they should do that. Many will. But we have to go out there right now as Democrats and sell this, and also point out, by the way, there’s another side of the equation, which is universal Republican opposition to all of these things. So Democrats have spent the last two years basically trying to improve your life. What have the Republicans in Congress done, for the most part, with a few notable exceptions? They’ve basically spent all their time promoting Trump’s Big Lie. So, yeah, that’s the challenge now, is to pivot. And this goes all the way through the campaign. I mean, Democrats running for reelection need to be running ads on all the things in this package.”

Incidentally, here’s the graphic Plouffe was referring to. Still some great stuff to brag about here:

I know that messaging isn’t always Democrats’ strong suit. Part of the problem is that we don’t just make shit up—and that’s a severe handicap in this political environment. But these are real, tangible changes that will make an enormous difference to regular people, assuming no one fumbles while trying to spike the ball at the 5-yard line. 

Even more importantly, Republicans fought tooth and nail against all this stuff because they simply don’t care.

If we can’t make hay out of that—and out of Republicans’ continued betrayal of both the truth and their country—then we’ve got bigger problems than two rogue senators.

It made comedian Sarah Silverman say, “THIS IS FUCKING BRILLIANT,” and prompted author Stephen King to shout “Pulitzer Prize!!!” (on Twitter, that is). What is it? The viral letter that launched four hilarious Trump-trolling books. Get them all, including the finale, Goodbye, Asshat: 101 Farewell Letters to Donald Trump, at this link. Or, if you prefer a test drive, you can download the epilogue to Goodbye, Asshat for the low, low price of FREE.