News Roundup: Supreme Court fallout; MAGA purity tests; DeSantis triples down on death

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Abortion Health Infrastructure JoeBiden PublicHealth Texas trump WomensRights SupremeCourt MAGA Covid-19

It is Friday! We are on the cusp of Labor Day weekend. This is the time of year for Americans to remember that unions protect workers against the machinery of greed and money. It’s also the weekend where people eat a lot of hot dogs and corn, and burn charcoal. While all of that is happening, it’s important to remember that every hour a Republican reaches some new and craven level of hypocrisy; but as climate change and a global pandemic are real things, and as women’s health and civil rights are attacked, people’s lives become more and more precarious as a result of these machinations.

Here are some stories you may have missed.

Jim Jordan (Q-OH): Who are you going to believe, me or these two videos?

Expanding the Supreme Court is likely the only way to save it, let alone the republic

Texas anti-choice activist admits bounty hunter law is a way for men to control women in their lives

Ron DeSantis is going back to court to endanger children even though no one wins, not even DeSantis

Trump led a fascist purge of his Republican Party. Now his base is finishing what he started

Ivermectin is NOT a highly effective treatment for COVID-19​​​​​​​

From the community:

NASA’s Earth Observatory finds that climate change has driven wildfires to higher elevations.​​​​​​​

USGS: Increased Pumping in California’s Central Valley During Drought Worsens Groundwater Quality

Vigilantism Works Both Ways. Any Texan Can Sue Greg Abbott. Right Now.​​​​​​​

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