Here's a big yet simple way to voice your support for DACA and young immigrants

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The Biden administration has published its proposed rule intended to “preserve and fortify” the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which now kicks off a 60-day public comment period open to all. That means this is our moment to publicly support this popular and successful program, while also asking the Biden administration to strengthen some weaknesses in the proposed rule. Luckily, there’s a tool that makes that submission as easy as pie.

Immigration reform advocacy group in partnership with the Home is Here Coalition have launched a tool that “enables members of the public to submit comments making clear their support for DACA recipients and Dreamers,” a statement received by Daily Kos said. The administration is currently appealing an anti-immigrant judge’s ruling that partially blocked the program. Officials are “opening a notice-and-comment rulemaking period as part of the Biden administration’s efforts to preserve and fortify the DACA program,” the groups continued.

The new tool offers a prefilled field that can also be altered and comments on multiple fronts: an overall defense of the DACA program and its beneficiaries; ensuring work permits remain a part of DACA; and urging the Biden administration and Congress to deliver on permanent relief for young immigrants, temporary status holders, and essential workers.

Advocates had expressed deep worry that the administration’s proposed rule presented “an option to potentially sever work authorization from the program and allow DACA recipients to apply only for protection from deportation without work authorization,” civil rights litigator Karen Tumlin tweeted. “DHS is basically recognizing that the work permit portion of DACA could potentially be struck down, and saying that they think if that happens they may still be able to protect people with DACA from being arrested and deported,” American Immigration Council Policy Counsel Aaron Reichlin-Melnick noted.

This is the moment to ask the Biden administration to put DACA recipients on as strong a footing as possible, protect work permits, “and to boost the administration’s efforts to preserve and fortify DACA,” President Todd Schulte said in the statement:

The Daily Kos community has been among the thousands of comments submitted to the federal government in the past. This should be no different. “While we should be clear that legislation is the only way to provide Dreamers the protection they deserve and that is best for our country, this public comment period is an important opportunity,” Schulte continued. “The fact remains that only Congress can pass a pathway to citizenship that will keep millions of American families together. They must act without any further delay.” Click here to leave your comment today.