‘Do you ever hear yourself and think that it sounds ridiculous?’ Sidney Powell meets her match

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Donald Trump isn’t the only one in his posse to threaten reporters and walk out during “tough” interviews. Trump ally, attorney, and election fraud conspiracy theorist Sidney Powell walked out of an interview with reporter Sarah Ferguson of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation when the questions just got too hard. Ferguson asked Powell about her false claims over the 2020 presidential election and Powell struggled to respond, insisting that her line of questioning was “wholly inappropriate in the litigation we are in.”

What set Powell off was being challenged about the voting machines used during the election. Ferguson seemed to know more than her about their origin and use. Yet, Powell insisted she had “great concerns” and “knew something very wrong had happened. It was obvious to me from the mathematical and statistical impossibilities that occurred the night of our election.”

“It was essentially a bloodless coup where they took over the presidency of the United States without a single shot being fired,” Powell explained.

When Ferguson questioned Powell’s theories, Powell, unable to answer, threatened to end the interview. She even questioned if Ferguson worked for the voting machine company Smartmatic, which is suing Powell, Rudy Giuliani, and Fox News for $2.7 billion.

“How do you justify such a basic factual error?” Ferguson asked Powell.

“I’m going to stop this interview,” Powell responded.

“But we’re not even in the area of great dispute, these are the simple facts,” Ferguson replied, prompting Powell to shake her head, saying, “No, we’re done.”

After the interview resumed Ferguson summarized Powell’s conspiracy theory for the audience, which Powell couldn’t back with any evidence except for her alleged “reputation” and credibility.

“What you’re describing is a massive, countrywide fraud involving the FBI, the DOJ, the Department of Homeland Security, the organizations who certify elections, and on and on, all the way up to the attorney general. And thousand of local elections officials. Are you saying that thousands of Americans participated in a fraud?” Ferguson asked.

“I’m saying that thousands of Americans had some role in it, knowingly or unknowingly. It was essentially a bloodless coup where they took over the presidency of the United States without a single shot being fired,” Powell said.

“Do you ever hear yourself and think it sounds ridiculous?” Ferguson asked.

“No, I know myself very well, I’ve been in me a long time. I know my reputation, I know my level of integrity,” Powell replied.

The interview came as part of a series on the Australian network’s program Four Corners. The program is currently investigating Fox News and Trump allies to see how and why they promoted Trump’s “big lie” of a stolen election.

The documentary series details how Trump’s allies, including Powell, made false statements pertaining to Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic Voting Systems. Both companies sued multiple individuals including Powell and Fox News for their accusations. Despite this, Fox News and others stood their ground that the election was “stolen.”

After the series premiered, Fox News’ general counsel threatened legal action against the Australian network. However Ferguson, who is behind the investigation, noted she was not afraid of any threats.

“We’re not in fear of anything … there are fewer more important stories to look at in America right now,” she said in a statement.

“I rest very comfortably knowing this is very important… to attack Four Corners and the brave editorial stance of [Executive Producer] Sally Neighbour just seems to be way off the mark.”

In one viral segment of the series, Ferguson can be seen confronting Fox News host Judge Jeanine Pirro outside Fox headquarters in New York City. Ferguson can be heard asking: “Do you still believe Dominion and Smartmatic stole the election from president Trump?”

Powell’s interview definitely takes the cake though. Watch it for yourself below.

YouTube Video

I know I’ll definitely be keeping up with the rest of this series … will you?