Democrats win big in California recall. What does that mean heading into 2022 cycle?

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Republicans in California and nationally thought they had a winner: using a ridiculous and nonsensical recall system in one of the most Democratic states to sneak in one of their own as governor. The media narratives were replete with discussion about how “motivated Republicans” threatened apathetic Democrats with a stunning defeat. Democrats, of course, were “in disarray.”

And yet, once the dust settled, Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom had won with an even bigger percentage of the vote than in his record-breaking 2018 victory. Not only wasn’t it close but there are hints that the nationwide shift in the suburban vote is still ongoing. And most importantly, despite efforts to portray California Democrats as scared and panicked prior to the election—all because they brought in the big guns, like Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden, to campaign—in the end, Democratic performance was exactly where it needed to be. 

So is this a bellwether for the epic incoming 2022 cycle, or is California its own blue bubble, with its own dynamics divorced from the rest of purple America? To discuss this topic, today’s guest on The Brief is Nick Rathod. He is the founder of the State Innovation Exchange, a progressive answer to ALEC—the right-wing group that writes model conservative legislation for state legislators to adopt. He was a Deputy Director in the Obama White House and worked with Elizabeth Warren to build the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. 

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