QAnon congresswoman's leaked video from an Alabama Republican women's event is especially horrifying

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QAnon Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is at it again, as evidenced by a leaked video of the Georgia representative’s appearance at a Republican women’s event in Alabama. As per the video, Greene suggests that Alabama residents would shoot President Joe Biden’s “police state friends” if they went door to door asking if residents had received their COVID-19 vaccinations and taking down their names, family names, address, cell phone number, and “probably” social security number, as reported by So yes, it’s her usual conspiracy theory hysteria—and then some.

“What they don’t know is in the South, we all love our Second Amendment rights,” Greene told the audience at the Alabama Federation of Republican Women event on July 23, who responded with cheers. “And we’re not big on strangers showing up on our front door, are we? They might not like the welcome they get.” Her framing for this bizarre and horrifying scenario rested on Alabama’s concerningly low vaccination rate.

You can watch some of this leaked video here, as shared on Twitter.

“We all love our Second Amendment rights,” Greene stated, as reported by the Alabama Political Reporter. “And we don’t like the federal government coming on our property to tell us what to do. You have HIPAA rights and you do not have tell your medical information and you can tell them to get off your front porch and get off your front lawn.”

Somehow, Greene’s shocking statements did not end there. Greene discussed a range of opinions with the crowd including communism, Dr. Anthony Fauci, reproductive health, trans rights, and, of course, holding barbeques during the pandemic. She reminded the audience Biden “takes” his paycheck but that Donald Trump didn’t. 

In speaking to the crowd, Greene reminded the group she’s a supporter of Trump and that she continues to believe he won the 2020 presidential election (Trump did not win, of course). She told the group “We have got to take out the trash in Washington,” and mentioned firing Dr. Fauci, impeaching Biden, and expelling Rep. Maxine Waters.

Greene flung out conspiracy theories, including alleging that the coronavirus had not only been developed in a lab in Wuhan but that Fauci knew and concealed this information. “This man sent your dollars and my dollars to the Wuhan lab,” Greene spewed, alleging that Democrats “protect” Fauci as people die all over the world. She painted a surreal picture of Fauci getting to watch the virus spread from a “front-row seat” and framed it as his “experiment.”

Perhaps the scariest part? The crowd reacted with cheers and applause. 

She also said parents should be able to choose whether or not their children wear masks or receive the vaccine, and suggested that Democrats wearing masks is mere virtue signaling. 

Mind you, for the QAnon congresswoman, much of this isn’t surprising. As Daily Kos has covered, Greene compared COVID-19 vaccinations to the Holocaust and to Nazi experiments. She’s suggested vaccines are merely a “political tool” to control people. Greene has been booted from her House committee assignments after downplaying the insurrection on Jan. 6 and endlessly promoting the conspiracy theory that Trump actually won the election (again, he did not). She’s also suggested the Sandy Hook and Parkland mass shootings were staged. Surprising absolutely no one at this point, she’s even a 9/11 truther. 

Greene is dangerous, and her rhetoric and conspiracy theories really might get someone harmed, if not killed. It’s not just that Greene is a Republican, or that her views are abhorrent and non-inclusive, but her platform and message are legitimately concerning for the safety of people in general, and especially Democrats. 

Sign and send the petition to your member of Congress: Support the expulsion of Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene. She is harmful, dangerous, and has no place in Congress.