Politico: Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz begged Trump to call off violent crowd during Jan. 6 insurrection

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We still do not know many details about the conversations sexual assault enabler Rep. Jim Jordan had with Donald Trump during the violent Jan. 6 attempt to nullify the results of a presidential election the Republican Party had lost. That’s mostly because Jordan has been slow-walking each little revelation only as he needs to, claiming he simply can’t remember what may or may have taken place during a Republican attempt to topple government. But it’s not particularly sustainable, because (1) nobody likes Jim Jordan and (2) nobody else is going to lie to Congress to protect Jim Freaking Jordan.

Well, with the possible exception of one person. But we’ll get to that in a moment.

Politico is now reporting a new scoop that might refresh Jordan’s memory.

“After a group of lawmakers were evacuated from the House chamber to a safe room on Jan. 6, Jordan was joined by Rep. MATT GAETZ (R-Fla.) for a call during which they implored Trump to tell his supporters to stand down,” reports Politico. They cite a “source with knowledge of that call.”

They also squeezed out an admission from Jordan that he spoke with Trump multiple times that day.

Once again, there’s quite a bit we can extrapolate out from this small bit of information. Again we see that numerous Republican lawmakers themselves believed that the violent crowd was acting on Trump’s behalf and, therefore, were making frantic calls to Trump during that violence asking him to urge the crowds to “stand down.” Even the most Trump-sympathetic Republican grifters believed that Trump had at least that much control over the insurrection.

And, as we now know, Trump resisted all of those claims—even to the point of suggesting to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, as the rioters broke through his office windows, that maybe the insurrectionists are more upset about the election than you are.

We’ve seen a consistent pattern emerge from pro-sedition Republican lawmakers. During the day of the insurrection, many considered themselves to be in extreme danger—whether they were Trump’s allies or not. After their safety was assured and the adrenaline of the day wore off, the same lawmakers jumped right back into the head seditionist’s pocket.

Sen. Mitch McConnell was genuinely furious for an entire evening before he moved to scuttle all attempts to hold Trump accountable for the violence. That’s about as much integrity as the increasingly fascist party can muster.

A little side note to this story is the bit where Republican sexual assault enabler Jim Jordan was joined by Republican alleged sex trafficker Matt Gaetz in pleading to Republican accused rapist Donald Trump to call off his strategically assembled violent mob. It genuinely does appear that Jordan and Gaetz do nearly everything together, which is … honestly, a pretty fascinating little tidbit. We’ve got Gaetz, who unnamed sources were very eager to report has been fond of showing his coworkers sexually explicit photographs of his unknown-age bedroom friends. We’ve got Jordan sticking to him like glue—a man now infamous for ignoring sexual assault of athletes in his college wrestling program.

Yeah, whatever could the connection be. What a mystery.

Anywho, it looks like Jordan and Gaetz both are going to be taking a trip to the witness table as the House Select Committee investigating the insurrection looks to pin down just how much of the violence that day was Trump’s intended plan, after soliciting his most violent and unhinged allies to show up at the Capitol at the exact moment in time electoral vote totals would definitely confirm his loss. That’s not to say either of them will “remember” anything.

But it does sound like there were others also huddled in the “safe” room the pair were evacuated to that heard their end of the conversation and could refresh some memories. And that’d be pretty helpful, right?