Most Americans are damn tired of 'individual liberties' extremists making them sick

AP Covid-19 MaskMandates VaccineMandates

Outside of the GOP fringes, most Americans have taken a look around and realized the only way to mitigate the worst of the delta variant is to suppress the anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers who got us into this mess in the first place.

“My thinking is, the people who don’t want mandates are the people who need to be regulated,” David Bowers, a 42-year-old Democrat from the Phoenix suburbs, told the Associated Press.

Bowers isn’t alone. That’s why nearly every day, a new poll emerges showing high levels of support for both mask and vaccine mandates. In effect, the American public is saying, “If you want to take part in civil society, then you’ll have to adhere to some basic ground rules, such as ‘you don’t get to endanger lives just because you went down a YouTube rabbit hole and failed to reemerge from its depths.’”

Adding to that body of polling is the latest AP-NORC survey finding broad support for various vaccine and mask mandates amid increased anxiety due to the delta surge.

Solid majorities support requiring people to be fully vaccinated in order to participate in certain activities, while opposition to those requirements remains very low.

Americans must fully vaccinate to:

Attend crowded events like concerts, sporting events, or movies: 56% support, 27% oppose (17% neither)
Going out to a bar: 51% support, 28% oppose (21% neither)
Traveling on an airplane: 57% support, 25% oppose (17% neither)

And similar to Economist/YouGov findings this week, solid majorities favor requiring vaccinations among certain workers.

Fully 62% also favor mask mandates for workers who interact readily with the public, such as restaurants and stores.