Alex Jones turns on Former Guy over vaccines: 'Maybe Trump's actually a dumb*ss'

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Here’s the state of public discourse these days, in case you haven’t been paying close attention: The benighted pro-science Americans who are rushing to take a vaccine that a mere 200 million Americans have taken with vanishingly rare complications are sheep, whereas the enlightened refusers—who are taking literal sheep medicine hand over fist to beat COVID-19—are … erm … well, obviously some other kind of animal. Wise owls, perhaps?

They’re certainly not dumbasses, according to eternally braying conspiracy donkey Alex Jones. Oh, no. That’s an epithet now reserved for (cleans glasses, double-checks notes) … The Dumbfuck Formerly Known as Pr*sident Donald Trump.

As you’ve probably seen, at his recent pandemic pep rally in Alabama, Trump encouraged his pestilent orc horde to get the COVID-19 vaccine, and it didn’t go well. He may as well have recommended George Soros’ bespoke nipple clamp Etsy store for all their Ramadan shopping needs. 

In other words, the MAGA god-man himself was booed by his own flock of … owls.

See for yourself.

What? What is that guy saying? Heresy!

I suspect that some of Trump’s fans are just now noticing that his face and hair look like an $8 mask from the Spirit Halloween store and have convinced themselves that the dude was an imposter.

Luckily, though, kooky-conspiracy maven and InfoWars host Alex Jones is not that dumb. He knows Trump really said what he said, and he’s apoplectic over it. Admittedly, Jones is always apoplectic over something, but this turn of events is pretty out of the ordinary.

The Hill:

“Shame on you, Trump. Seriously. Hey, if you don’t have the good sense to save yourself and your political career, that’s OK,” the InfoWars host said.

“At least you’re going to get some good Republicans elected, and we like you,” Jones added. “But, my God, maybe you’re not that bright. Maybe Trump’s actually a dumbass.”

Hey, at least Jones still thinks he’s “a good person.”

Here’s a transcript of Jones’ Sunday shrieks of lies and harmful nonsense.

Because you got lied to, Trump! It didn’t have 98% efficacy, we knew day one it wouldn’t work, period, it’s a fraud, it’ll create mutants! You got chumped! You got signed onto a fraud to restart the economy! I understand why you did it, you believe in science! Except these are bad actors, sir! You believed America could produce a good vaccine, of course they could’ve! They didn’t want to. They didn’t create a vaccine, they created a Frankenshot! And now they’ve got you signed up to it.

Now the Left’s saying you better get out there and push it, and you are! CNN comes out and says, “we need to see Trump come out and tell people to take the shots.” And within weeks of them saying it over and over again, CNN snaps their fingers, [CNN President] Jeff Zucker snaps his fingers, and Trump clicks his heels and hops up there at attention and says, “How high do you want me to jump, boss?” Here’s Trump in Alabama yesterday.


DONALD TRUMP (FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT): I believe totally in your freedoms, I do. You got to do what you have to do. But I recommend take the vaccines. I did it. It’s good. Take the vaccines. But you got –


TRUMP: Now, that’s OK. That’s all right. You got your freedoms. But I happen to take the vaccine. If it doesn’t work, you’ll be the first to know. OK? I’ll call up Alabama and say, “Hey, you know what?” But it is working.


JONES: BS. Trump: That’s a lie, you’re not stupid. Just two weeks ago they said it was 65%, then 40%, saw a number put out about Pfizer shots, 30-something percent. Because they just want to tell you it doesn’t work so you run and get the new damn shot. And then they’ll tell you in six months that one doesn’t work. It’s called rope-a-dope.

Shame on you, Trump. Seriously. Hey, if you don’t have the good sense to save yourself and your political career, that’s OK. At least you’re going to get some good Republicans elected, and we like you. But, my God, maybe you’re not that bright. Maybe Trump’s actually a dumbass.

And, yes, it’s pretty ironic that the roughly 10 seconds in the past five years when Trump was not aggressively being a dumbass are what apparently broke Jones’ brain.

Of course, Trump has actively courted Jones and his bonkers brigade since launching his presidential campaign. During a December 2015 interview, Trump told Jones, “Your reputation is amazing. I will not let you down.” Jones replied that “my audience, 90% of them, they support you.”

Is it possible the man who’s gravely concerned about the sexual orientation of frogs and thinks President Barack Obama had secret weather machines will have to find an even fringier candidate? Doubtful. He’s been all-in on Trump for some time, and this little hiccup is unlikely to dissuade him.

More likely, Trump will appease Jones, et al., by never bringing the vaccines up again because if he doesn’t have grotesquely misinformed Americans in his camp, who’s left, really?

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It made comedian Sarah Silverman say, “THIS IS FUCKING BRILLIANT,” and prompted author Stephen King to shout “Pulitzer Prize!!!” (on Twitter, that is). What is it? The viral letter that launched four hilarious Trump-trolling books. Get them all, including the finale, Goodbye, Asshat: 101 Farewell Letters to Donald Trump, at this link. Just $12.96 for the pack of 4! Or, if you prefer a test drive, you can download the epilogue to Goodbye, Asshat for the low, low price of FREE.