News Roundup: Strong jobs report, Pelosi and Schumer should cancel recess, U.S. families get a boost

Daily Economics Jobs News Roundup

It is Friday! What a week it has been. The anti-democratically unbalanced Supreme Court has been writing some truly tragic decisions. Americans everywhere are under attack from the least democratically elected agents in our government. But there is hope. Trump cronies are being indicted, Trump family members are freaking out in public, the American Rescue Plans’ biggest hits are beginning to roll out this month, and our economy isn’t giving GOP operatives the kind of pretend excuse they’ve been hoping for.

Here are some of the stories you might have missed:

<a href=""><strong>June jobs report shows an unexpectedly strong 850,000 new jobs</strong></a>
<strong><a href="">Pelosi and Schumer, cancel recess. Save democracy</a></strong>
<a href=""><strong>American Rescue Plan is giving jobless workers and families with kids a boost starting in July</strong></a>
<a href=""><strong>Supreme Court decision on Arizona puts Kyrsten Sinema on the spot. She must end the filibuster.</strong></a>
<a href=""><strong>21 immigrants to be sworn in as U.S. citizens in naturalization ceremony at White House</strong></a>
<a href=""><strong>Dominion unleashes the Kraken—subpoenaing Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, and Mike Lindell</strong></a>
<a href=""><strong>The fastest woman in America can’t run in the Olympics due to rule everyone knows is BS</strong></a>
<a href=""><strong>Anti-Asian hate crimes in California have more than doubled, state’s attorney general reports</strong></a>

From the Community:

<a href=""><strong>And the International Swimming Federation can kiss my big black…</strong></a>
<a href=";pm_medium=web&amp;pm_campaign=recommended"><strong>Something Strange is Happening in the Atlantic: Hurricane Elsa Hits Barbados</strong></a>
<a href=";pm_medium=web&amp;pm_campaign=recommended"><strong>Cyber Ninjas will finish their sham audit in a building with no A/C. In Phoenix. In July.</strong></a>

Saturday, Jul 3, 2021 · 1:50:55 PM +00:00 · Jessica Sutherland

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