Florida parents pledged $1.4M in donations to Catholic high school—here's why they want to rescind

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Parents Anthony and Barbara Scarpo have filed a lawsuit in Hillsborough County Circuit Court against a Catholic school in Tampa, Florida, alleging that it has strayed from Catholic teachings and principles and has become “too woke” in its teachings, as reported by LGBTQ Nation. The school, the Academy of the Holy Names, doesn’t seem to be recruiting youth to join antifa—unless you count talking to students about, according to suit, “gender identity, human identity, human sexuality, and pregnancy termination.”

The family has pledged a whopping $1.4 million to the school, asking for the funds to go toward scholarships for disadvantaged students as well as the school’s master plan. Now, the parents want their pledge rescinded and tuition costs for their two daughters back—and for the school to stop advertising itself as a Catholic institution, as reported by the Tampa Bay Times.

So, what’s an example of this school being too woke? According to the complaint, a blackboard at the entrance of the school explains how to be a good ally to LGBTQ+ folks and “utterly fails to put any part of this explanation into perspective with mainstream Catholicism.” The lawsuit also includes numerous emails from parents, one of which suggests that the school is essentially abusing students by being too progressive.

“Who among you is a trained clinical expert in the understanding, teaching and lecturing of these highly sensitive social justice, equity, racial and sexual issues of today?,” one email from a parent reads. “None of you!”

The lawsuit also references a letter Scarpo wrote to the school after the older daughter graduated. (The younger daughter has transferred schools already.) Scarpo described the school’s teaching as “continued indoctrination” of a “twisted” version of social and racial justice and resulted in “stress, anger, guilt and confusion” in the minds of children. He described the school as being “eager” to solicit money in spite of having “dragged” parents and students through a “progressive world” in spite of being asked to “slow down.” 

The school also reportedly discussed instances of police brutality and racism, including George Floyd and Breonna Taylor. Perhaps unsurprisingly at this point, some parents were unhappy with the way the school approached this subject, saying in their complaint that “What has actually happened was less a conversation and more a lecture about being guilty because of one’s skin color and economic status.”

“Rather than view racism and hatred through the lens of a Catholic education,” the complaint continues. “Defendants chose to provide only one perspective – you as students should be guilty if you are white and your parents can afford our tuition – with or without financial aid.”

And from the school’s perspective? Gregory Hearing, an attorney representing the school, wrote a letter in response describing the lawsuit as a “publicity stunt.” According to Hearing, the school will file a motion to dismiss the complaint as a first step. If the court does hear the civil case, the school will consider filing a counter-claim to get the rest of the money the Scarpos pledged to donate to the Academy. 

Emily Wise, a spokesperson for the school, told Newsweek that the school’s curriculum is still “based on Catholic values” and “rigorous academic standards.” Wise added that the school’s founding order is dedicated to the “full development” of students including through social justice, among other things.