Watch Louie Gohmert ask if BLM can move the Moon

ignorance Science LouieGohmert

Daily Kos has a policy against using terms that are associated with mental illness or with a disability for someone who has not been diagnosed with one. This is a good policy for any number of reasons, not least of all because it helps guard against the use of lazy, repetitive writing. Over the last five years, the tendency to fall back on ableist terms like “crazy” or “dumb” has been difficult to fight, but doing so not only helps to avoid stigmatizing those genuinely experiencing mental illness or disability, it leads to more precise and informative language.

And that is why, this morning, I have to say that … I have nothing to say about Rep. Louie Gohmert.

The only thing you really need to know, is that in this clip, Gohmert thinks he is being clever.

And it is too bad no one followed up by asking what effects he believes altering the Moon’s orbit would bring.