Most Americans reject authenticity of GOP's sham election 'audits'

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2020 Arizona Audit Democrats GOP Republicans Fraudit

As GOP lawmakers rush to recreate Arizona’s sham audit in their home states, most Americans still have enough of a foot in reality to see the “fraudits” for exactly what they are: purely partisan disinformation campaigns.

A new Monmouth University poll found that 57% of Americans view the fraudits as “partisan efforts to undermine valid election results” based on what they’ve heard about the reviews. Only a third of respondents viewed the so-called audits as legitimate efforts to identify potential voting irregularities. Twice as many Americans also say the reviews will weaken U.S. democracy versus strengthening it, 40%-20%, while about a third of the public believes they will have little impact.

The results provide at least some solace amid polls showing that a substantial majority of Republicans still baselessly believe the 2020 election was stolen from Trump. A Morning Consult/Politico poll released last week also found that a bare majority (51%) of Republicans think the partisan-led reviews will somehow overturn the certified results of the 2020 election. Meanwhile, just 16% of Democrats and 24% of independent voters said they believed the reviews could overturn the 2020 results.