‘I consider him a traitor’: Rep. Paul Gosar’s family calls for his expulsion from Congress

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Republican Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona is not well liked by those who know him well. His entire family has campaigned against him and endorsed his opponents no less than twice. Their argument is that Paul Gosar is not fit for office and something of an appalling person. Gosar’s performance in Congress has proven out his family’s admonitions. Gosar has found his niche in this Republican Party taking up the white supremacist/nationalist, provocatively and openly racist space left by people like former Rep. Steve King. 

Gosar’s racism and white nationalism comes with the very easy to understand anti-democracy of fascism and authoritarian fetishism we see from most domestic terrorist groups in our country. He has championed the big lie claims of Donald Trump and many in his political party, that the national elections were fraudulent. His recent attempts to attach Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy of peaceful protest and civil rights to the death of a Jan. 6 insurgent is just one of many examples of Gosar’s grand crapulance. His own sister has called for Congress to investigate not simply the insurrection of the Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021, but her brother Paul’s possible involvement in it.

Gosar’s brother Dave told NBC News that after the events of Jan. 6, 2021, “I consider him a traitor to this country. I consider him a traitor to his family. He doesn’t see it. He’s disgraced and dishonored himself.” If we’ve learned anything about GOP operatives, it’s that the bottom always has some wiggle room.

Now, Gosar is reportedly planning another (as in this is not the first time) fundraiser along with America First Political Action Committee’s (AFPAC) Nick Fuentes. Fuentes is known around these here parts as a white nationalist troll. Calling his commentary sophomoric is offensive to juveniles just beginning to develop their egos. Fuentes is the bottom of the barrel white supremacist, garden variety level of racist fearmongerer. But Nick Fuentes does have one thing in common with Paul Gosar. They know how to make their little scraps of money together peddling misery to angry white folks.

The most recent scam fundraising work the two racist men did together was in February, when Rep. Gosar decided to spend his time down in Florida at a Fuentes AFPAC fundraiser. Gosar did this instead of casting a vote on the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill that passed through the House. He told Congress he couldn’t be present in D.C. because of the pandemic. Real scumbaggery.

Below is Nick Fuentes denying the Holocaust and the idea that 6 million Jews were exterminated by the Nazis. It is a point-by-point conspiracy theorist’s denial that the Holocaust happened.

Fuentes reportedly confirmed the plans to fundraise with Gosar in Phoenix, Arizona, on Friday, calling Gosar "really, honestly, hands down the best congressman in America.” Gosar, for his part, has been the kind of cagey coward we have come to expect from these bigoted snowflakes on the right. Without addressing it outright, he tweeted out: “Not sure why anyone is freaking out. I’ll say this: there are millions of Gen Z, Y and X conservatives. They believe in America First. They will not agree 100% on every issue. No group does. We will not let the left dictate our strategy, alliances and efforts. Ignore the left.”

Gosar’s six siblings have been vocal about their concerns for the country’s health with Paul in any positions of power, since 2017. That was when Gosar promoted the conspiracy theory that the Charlottesville white supremacist rally that terrorized the city was some kind of “false flag” operation by the government—not just racists being super racist and violent. The former dentist has continued to promote himself as a deep state conspiracist since then, as it really seems to be a lucrative market for easy exploitation by the Republican Party.

Gosar is not a new phenomenon. Just the most recent … 62-year-old version of it. You might remember Rep. Steve Scalise, who tried to sell himself to fellow Republicans as “David Duke without the baggage.” Scalise is still in the Republican Party leadership and his opinions are now considered orthodoxy in the Grand Old Party of racism.

You can also go over to Daily Kos community member Mother Mags story on Rep. Gosar over here.