Biden's celebratory vision for July 4 is happening, Democrats are making sure Americans remember

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President Joe Biden may not reach his goal of getting 70% of the American public partially vaccinated by Independence Day, but the spirit of what he outlined back in mid-March—on the one-year anniversary of the national pandemic lockdown—is still very much intact. 

“A July Fourth with your loved ones is the goal,” Biden said on March 11, laying out a vision for what post-pandemic life could look like if the country rallied around getting vaccinated. “If we do this together, by July the 4th, there’s a good chance you, your families, and friends will be able to get together in your backyard or in your neighborhood and have a cookout and a barbecue and celebrate Independence Day.”

Although Biden tempered expectations at the time with the reality that variants could scuttle the timeline, his vision for this year’s Independence Day celebrations appears to be exactly what will be taking place across much of the country.

Now Democrats plan to mark the occasion with a campaign to remind Americans what the Biden administration has accomplished after more than a year of lockdowns and economic uncertainty, according to NBC News.

America is “coming back,” declares the 60-second spot from the Democratic National Committee (DNC). “This year, there’s more to celebrate. The freedom to hug a grandchild. To see a baseball game in person. To come back together again. America is leading the world out of the global pandemic with honesty and compassion.”

The DNC is also planning a 5-day Ice Cream Truck tour along the East Coast that set to arrive on Washington’s National Mall by July 4. Along with their scoop, people will be treated to the message, “Shots in arms, checks in banks, jobs coming back and scoops in hand.”

People celebrating the Fourth on beaches in Wisconsin, Georgia, South Carolina, and parts of Florida will see banners flown overhead reading, “America’s back together thanks to Biden and Democrats.”

This is the necessary bragging campaign Democrats must roll out in order to remind people who helped dig the nation out of the ditch that Donald Trump and his administration landed it in. It’s also a piece of the puzzle Democrats have sometimes failed to take advantage of in the past. But new DNC chair Jaime Harrison told donors during a recent fundraising event that Democrats would “work overtime” to make sure the administration’s accomplishments were front and center in voters’ minds.

“We’re doing this all more aggressively than ever before,” Harrison explained. “We’re also going to play a bigger role than ever before in midterm elections. We’re going to put our cash to work early.”

Shaping public opinion early, before the flood of campaign cash inundates voters, will likely give the DNC a much better return on investment.

For its part, the White House is deploying the Bidens, Vice President Kamala Harris, and Cabinet officials across the country on an “America’s Back Together” tour.  

The president will be kicking off his Independence Day celebration on Saturday in Traverse City, Michigan, before returning to the South Lawn of the White House to celebrate with front-line medical workers and U.S. service members.

On Independence Day this year, Americans will be celebrating a level of freedom that few nations around the world will have the luxury of enjoying. Part of that is due to the extraordinary wealth of this nation, but part of it is also due to the remarkable competence with which the Biden administration undertook vaccinating the nation at a breakneck pace.

That is entirely worth shouting about from the rooftops, and Democrats working to cement that accomplishment in voters’ minds early is quite simply smart politics as we approach 2022.