Right-wing fraudsters Wohl and Burkman in big trouble as their racist emails surface

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The seemingly never-ending saga of Republican fraudsters Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman continues. These two losers have not stopped hitting new lows since coming on the scene as two-bit versions of already two-bit scam artists like Donald Trump and his “garbage can orbit.” They continue to make news because even though their actions would confine most other Americans to sentence after sentence in prison, they remain relatively free to continue to defraud the American public. Their latest alleged crime stems from racist robocalls they sent to Black voters in numerous states, that spread false voting information in a clear attempt to suppress Black votes. The racist robocalls were easily traceable to Burkman and Wohl as the two men had their full names added to the end of the calls.

In October, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced charges against the 22-year-old Wohl and 54-year-old Burkman. This was followed by charges in Ohio, and a civil rights lawsuit in New York for the pair of scumbags. Guess what? New York Attorney General Letitia James added a new piece of evidence in the case against Wohl and Burkman on Thursday. According to Forbes, a series of graphics and emails exchanged between the two men make it very clear that the robocall scheme was exactly as racist as one might imagine it was. With Burkman writing, “We should send it to black neighborhoods,” and excited reactions from Wohl to “getting angry black call backs,” as proof that their idea was working well, it isn’t looking good for these two.

In Attorney General James’ motion, filed on Thursday in the U.S. Southern District Court of New York, the AG says that while “discovery is in a very preliminary stage,” there is lots of evidence for the court to consider and any attempts by Burkman and Wohl’s attorneys to expedite the process does a disservice to the charges against them that include the “violation of several federal and New York laws.” 

The robocalls, targeting Black communities, falsely claimed that voting by mail would provide police, debt collectors, and the CDC with personal information, allowing those agencies to “track down old warrants,” “collect outstanding debts,” and “track people for mandatory vaccines.” The information contained in the calls was a complete fabrication, and this voter suppression tactic was so starkly racist in its execution it makes your head spin. According to the motion, more than 85,000 robocalls went out on August 26, 2020. Of those 85,000, 5,500 of those calls went out to the New York area. 

The “jw” in that last tweet stands for little jacob wohl.

Attorney General James’ motion also points out that the very script fo the robocall is filled with Wohl and Burkman’s racism. The voice of the calls is a woman who identifies herself as Tamika Taylor.

The dumbtastic duo is facing multiple lawsuits and charges in no less than three states. A judge has already ruled against the two’s attempts to separate the trials, saying that it would not violate their Fifth Amendment rights to have concurrent trials taking place for the same actions. In recent weeks, Wohl and Burkman’s attorneys sounded as confused and unorganized as their clients, with implications that they would like Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein’s buddy Alan Dershowitz to testify for some nebulous constitutional reason—with no evidence that Alan Dershowitz was aware of this. 

One of the serious charges Wohl and Burkman face is a violation of Section 2 of the Ku Klux Klan Act, of “two or more persons [from] conspir[ing] to prevent by force, intimidation, or threat” any “citizen who is lawfully entitled to vote, from  giving his support or advocacy in a legal manner, toward or in favor of the election of any lawfully qualified person as an elector for President or Vice President, or as a Member of Congress of the United States.” It’s an important reminder that the laws that Burkman and Wohl broke are laws put into place not only to protect our democracy from general voter fraud, but to protect our country against white supremacist KKK terrorists trying to turn our country into a white ethno-fascist state.

You can listen to the robocall sent to voters in Detroit below.

YouTube Video