Republicans won't whip against Jan. 6 commission vote, but McCarthy has ensured its failure

BennyThompson ChuckSchumer Insurrection KevinMcCarthy LisaMurkowski LizCheney MitchMcConnell NancyPelosi FredUpton JohnKatko CapitolAttack Jan6Commission

The House is scheduled to vote this week—as soon as Wednesday—on the deal struck by Homeland Security Chairman Bennie Thompson and ranking committee member John Katko for a Jan. 6 commission. Structured much like the 9/11 Commission, the bipartisan committee would investigate the insurrectionist attack on the Capitol.

Thus far, House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy hasn’t said whether he’ll endorse the deal, but leadership seems spooked enough over backlash against the idiot Republicans who insist that it wasn’t a violent insurrection but just another "normal tourist visit.“ Republican leaders will not whip against the bill, meaning it will be a vote of conscience for their members.

That’s after a handful of their members—including Rep. Liz Cheney, who secured a very large megaphone thanks to the House GOP deciding to kick her off the leadership team—spent the last several days blasting the revisionist history coming from their colleagues.

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            Tuesday, May 18, 2021 ·  3:33:26 PM +00:00

      Joan McCarter

On Friday, Cheney told ABC’s Jon Karl that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy—who’s done nothing but promote Trump’s Big Lie in recent months—should testify before the commission. If he doesn’t agree to that, Cheney said, he should be subpoenaed. “I think that he very clearly, and said publicly, that he’s got information about the president’s state of mind that day,” Cheney said. “I would anticipate that, you know—I would hope he doesn’t require a subpoena, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he were subpoenaed.”

Michigan Republican Rep. Fred Upton called out his colleagues on Sunday, calling their claims that the insurrection was just a patriots’ play-date “bogus,” and that those claims prove the need for the commission. “It’s absolutely bogus. You know, I was there. I watched a number of the folks walk down to the White House and then back. I have a balcony on my office. So I saw them go down. I heard the noise—the flash bangs, I smelled some of the gas as it moved my way,” Upton told CNN’s Dana Bash on State of the Union. “Get the facts out, try to assure the American public this is what happened, and let the facts lead us to the conclusion,” Upton said.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski blasted House Republicans who downplayed the attack on Friday. “I’m offended by that,” Murkowski told CNN. “This was not a peaceful protest. When somebody breaks and enters, and then just because you know they don’t completely trash your house once you’re inside does not mean that it has been peaceful. This was not a peaceful protest.” She continued. “We got to get beyond that rhetoric and acknowledge that what happened were acts of aggression and destruction towards an institution, and there were some people intent on (harming) the people that were part of that institution.”

She’s going to be supporting the commission when the bill gets to the Senate. It is likely to pass there, too, but that’s in part because there’s a lot that Republicans, including Sen. Mitch McConnell, can do to weaken it.

The legislation creates a commission made up of 10 members, an equal number of members chosen by Democratic and Republican leadership. None of the members can be currently serving government officials and all must have a depth of experience in a combination government, law enforcement, civil rights, and national security service. Democrats would appoint the chair, Republicans the vice chair. The committee would have the power to subpoena McCarthy or anyone else, but if the vice chair wanted to veto that subpoena decision, they could.

The chair—appointed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer—has the sole power to secure information from the federal agencies and has control over appointing staff. That gives them significant power. But there are still pitfalls for the commission.

One of the key faults of the commission as negotiated is that it has a deadline of the end of this year. Republicans have already dragged it out for five months, and have the chance to do so again, even after the bill passes. Even if McConnell decided against filibustering the bill, he and McCarthy can simple draw out the process of naming their five members.   It’s going to hinge a lot on how much McConnell wants to distance the Senate and the party from Trump, how much he wants to try to salvage any measure of dignity for his party. There’s certainly no love lost between McConnell and Trump, who he blamed point blank for the Jan. 6 attack. That blame, however, didn’t happen until after he voted to acquit Trump in his second impeachment trial.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021 · 1:22:31 PM +00:00 · Joan McCarter

House GOP Leader McCarthy makes it official Tuesday morning: he’s officially opposing the legislation and the commission, saying that Pelosi “refused to negotiate in good faith on basic parameters.” Which is categorically untrue since she handed over the negotiations and had Thompson and Katko figure it out.

“Given the Speaker’s shortsighted scope that does not examine interrelated forms of political violence in America, I cannot support this legislation,” he said. Meaning BLM and Antifa are not explicitly included in the scope of the legislation, though as the commission is structured, the GOP members of it could do McCarthy’s and McConnell’s bidding and yammer on about it all the time. McCarthy’s express opposition makes it much less likely 10 Senate Republicans will support the commission. It will pass the House, but is pretty unlikely to pass in the Senate.