Insurrectionist who waved Confederate flag in Capitol allowed to take family road trip before trial

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Now that we’ve entered the “none of that really happened” phase of Donald Trump’s Bumblefuck Putsch, I guess indelible images like—oh, I don’t know—a fucking insurrectionist waving his Traitor Pride flag in the halls of the U.S. Capitol can scurry on down the memory hole, with all the other outrages from Trump’s truncated tenure.

And we’re seeing once again how being a white insurrectionist means never having to say you’re sorry—unless you spill your blended margarita on another seditious white person while on vacay.

The dude who hosted what may be the most infuriating photo op during the events of Jan. 6—the brandishing of a flagpole with an ugly racist hate symbol, a flag that never made it to the Capitol during the war of its origin—is facing both justice and a little R&R, courtesy of our very understanding criminal justice system.

From Business Insider:

Kevin Seefried is allowed to take his scheduled family trip to Salvo, North Carolina, on May 15, returning to Delaware on May 22, according to court documents.

His son, Hunter Seefried, was also charged in the Capitol siege; he too got approval to travel for the trip.

Well, isn’t that sweet?

According to court filings, prosecutors didn’t object to this father-son coup team’s little sojourn, even though their last road trip famously ended in tears. Then again, they continue to face serious charges, including disorderly conduct and unlawfully entering a restricted building. 

Of course, this isn’t the first time one of these low-rent Oompa Loompas has been handled with kid gloves. Remember Capitol rioter Jenny Cudd, who got to take a team-building trip to Mexico with her flower shop employees—a trip she’d inconveniently planned and paid for before resolving to overthrow our 244-year-old republic? (Apparently, airlines don’t have a checkbox for “tried to shiv and gut Western democracy” on their airfare refund applications.)

Stephen A. Crockett Jr., writing for The Root, explained how the situation looks from a Black man’s perspective. (Spoiler alert: It looks bad.)

Prosecutors took no issue with either defendant leaving town for the vacation because the men are white and courts generally don’t care when white men try to hunt down members of Congress and attempt to kill Capitol Police just as long as Black people don’t deface buildings.

So rock on, white insurrectionists! You’ll get the benefit of the doubt every time. Of course, if a horde of Black Kamala Harris fans had stormed the Capitol carrying Black Lives Matter flags, they’d likely be taking family trips together, too. Back to their hometowns, quite possibly in bodybags.

But never mind that. As long as these white snowflakes get the rest and relaxation they need, that’s all that really matters.

It made comedian Sarah Silverman say “THIS IS FUCKING BRILLIANT” and prompted author Stephen King to shout “Pulitzer Prize!!!” (on Twitter, that is). What is it? The viral letter that launched four hilarious Trump-trolling books. Get them all, including the finale, Goodbye, Asshat: 101 Farewell Letters to Donald Trump, at this link. Just $12.96 for the pack of 4! Or if you prefer a test drive, you can download the epilogue to Goodbye, Asshat for the low, low price of FREE.